Barsen'thor's Followers (25)Full unit name: Barsen'thor's Followers
Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:07
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (69)
Rajivari's Legacy (4) »
The Forge (11) »
  • Destroyed a number of Ancient Tythonian Defenders
  • Killed a number of Horranth
  • Killed a Gundark known as Dark Beast
  • Qyzen Fess used L4 Electroblade
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Nalen Raloch
    Fitting that it's you, armed with the last lightsaber this Forge will ever make.
    Look at them! Another Jedi to nod, and preach, and do nothing while the Flesh Raiders ravage our home!
    I know Rajivari's secrets. Horrors that the Jedi - this Jedi! - have been chasing. And only I can protect us, our families and our future!
    Nalen, your power is destroying you. But it isn't too late to save yourself.
    Whatever future you'd create for Kalikori village would be tainted by what you've become.
    Nalen, this Kedi done alright by us. You keep saying the Jedi are the enemy, but this on is not. This is... you're going too far. How is this protecting us?
    Maybe we don't have all the facts. But what Nalen's been saying - something's not right.
    Nalen Raloch
    I did this for all of you! If you can't see the danger, I'll show you myself!
    Listen to your people. This is not what they want.
    Nalen Raloch
    It'll make sense when you're dead.
    Qyzen Fess
    Does not fight alone. This is fight of honor - you owe blood, dark thing.
  • Nalen Raloch, Allia, Keth
  • Barsen'thor's Followers fought and defeated Nalen Raloch
  • Wounded Nalen Raloch
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Syo Bakarn
    We've been waiting for you, Padawan. You've already met Master Jaric; this is Master Satele Shan.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    I've been treating Nalen Raloch. The Pilgrims who carried him here told us of your battle. Remarkable.
    I would have brought a peaceful solution if I could. How bad are his injuries, Master Satele? I wasn't sure he would survive.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    Peace is the ideal, Padawan, but there's no shame in defending yourself. He will survive, though it will be a long recovery.
    You've begun well, Padawan. How you proceed remains to be seen.
    Master Kaedan
    It seems we have much to learn about the villagers. Perhaps we should rethink our position....
    Master Yuon Par
    Enough, enough. Padawan- the Fount of Rajivari. You actually set foot there? Please, tell me everything!
    Master Rajivari himself spoke to me. What was left of him.
    Master Yuon Par
    You saw a Force apparition? Of Rajivari? This is extraordinary!
    Master Kaedan
    It seems you may have been right, Yuon. I... apologize. To you, and your Padawan.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    No longer a Padawan. The Padawan carries a lightsaber and have proven themselves. I have only one last question before the training's complete.
    At the moment, Nalen Raloch is resting in a kolto tank. When he's well, what should become of him?
    Nalen proved he has great strength in the Force. Maybe he has a future with us.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    And bring reconciliation between us and the villagers - a sound idea.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    We judge you ready to accept your place as a Jedi. Yuon, if you would?
    Master Yuon Par
    Before this Council, I take from you the title of Padawan. I name you a full Jedi of our order. Honor the past. Work... for the future. May the Force be always with you. You've... done so well, my student. I'm....
    Master Yuon?
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Come away. Yuon? Can you hear me?
  • Satele Shan, Syo Bakarn, Jaric Kaedan, Yuon Par
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Yuon is resting comfortably, for now. It seems she's suffering some kind of illness. I can't lie to you. Her condition is grave.
    We have some of the finest healers in the galaxy, can't we treat her?
    Qyzen Fess
    Yuon tried to heal, Herald. Was no sickness she knew. She did best to hide sickness.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    You knew Yuon was ill? And didn't inform us?
    Qyzen Fess
    Is not for me to tell secrets. Was her wish to train one last hunter. I understood.
    Now I see why she was so devoted to my training.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    We're sending Yuon to Coruscant. Our researchers there have been recovering artifacts from the first Jedi Temple; they may have something to cure Yuon.
    Take a shuttle, and join Yuon on Coruscant. She will need your help.
    Yes, Master.
    Qyzen Fess
    Where Herald goes, I go also. Is Scorekeeper's wish.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Meantime, assure Yuon we will be studying your discoveries about Rajivari. Some of the claims his apprentices recorded... bear investigation.
    When you reach Coruscant, go to our embassy in the Senate tower, and find a researcher called Attros Finn. He'll be expecting you.
    Good luck. To you both. And may the Force be with you.
  • Syo Bakarn
  • Barsen'thor used Training Saber
The Arrival (2) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Yuon Par
    I failed, I failed, I failed. I'm sorry I failed. Once there were two little boys. Their names were Parkanas and... and... something. Why can't I remember?
    It's going to be alright. I'm sure you'll remember eventually. Just relax.
    Yuon Par
    But I have to rememb- Padawan!
    Qyzen Fess
    Have never seen Yuon so, Herald. Not in all years of knowing.
    Yuon Par
    I'm not mad. The man in the shadows is making me this way. He brings the darkness - it's coming!
    The man in the shadows? I don't understand.
    Yuon Par
    Parkanas! Parkanas, where are you?
    Attros Finn
    Yuon! Pharen, please see Yuon back to her room.
  • Yuon Par, Attros Finn, Pharen
  • Qyzen Fess used L4 Electroblade
Secret Signals (7) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm Attros Finn, the researcher here; we must get to work finding a cure.
    Who is "Parkanas"? She keeps talking about someone called "Parkanas." Who is that?
    Attros Finn
    You don't know either? Nevermind. A cure is what Yuon really needs.
    Is Yuon going to be okay?
    Attros Finn
    I wish I could tell you, but Yuon's illness is... it's unlike anything I've ever seen. The problem is that the greatest collection of learning in the galaxy - the Jedi Temple here on Coruscant - has lain in ruins since the war. I believe the answer to curing Yuon is in the archives of the temple ruins. But accessing them won't be easy.
    If it will help Yuon, I'll get us the information.
    Attros Finn
    The wisdom and personalities of the order's greatest Masters were imprinted on these guides, which they called Noetikons.
    Let's find them, then.
    Attros Finn
    Unfortunately, we... don't have the Noetikons, not anymore.
    These Noetikons formed a sort of virtual Jedi Council?
    Attros Finn
    That's exactly it - and I need your help to recover them. The temple ruins were looted; the Noetikons were taken. I have a lead on one of them--but, it's not in friendly hands.
    To help Yuon, we face anyone.
    Attros Finn
    Republic security spotted some Gand scavengers carrying a Noetikon, in the Migrant Merchants' Guild. The Republic brought one of the Gand in for questioning, but he won't talk.
    Being taken in by security must be quite intimidating. Maybe he'll speak to a Jedi.
    Attros Finn
    The Republic officer you want is Alec Efran. He's at the security outpost with the Gand right now. And I'm working on a lead for the second Noetikon. I should have something by the time you get back. Good luck!
  • Attros Finn
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Alec Efran
    Jedi! Welcome- welcome to the, uh, old Galactic Market, uh, sir.
    Qyzen Fess
    Hmph. Soft thing can barely speak.
    Alec Efran
    I'm sorry, I just- I never met a real Jedi up close.
    I'm a person, just like you. With respect, I'm here about your prisoner.
    Alec Efran
    This is the, uh, Gand we brought in. He was talking about that Jedi "holocron" you're all looking for. But he's not exactly, uh, talkative.
    Qyzen Fess
    Sadness to have been captured. Should have fought harder.
    Gand Scavenger
    This Gand won't speak to you or to anyone.
    You refer to yourself as "Gand." How interesting.
    Gand Scavenger
    The Gand do not speak their names except when they have earned it. This Gand has not earned it.
    This is your chance to distinguish yourself - help me save a dying woman by telling me where the special holocron is.
    Gand Scavenger
    This Gand would like to earn his name... but he has no wish to betray his fellow Gand.
    I promise no harm will come to the Gand.
    Gand Scavenger
    All right. This Gand guesses that he has no choice. He'll tell you what he knows. The man called Lars Baddeg brought the holocron to the Gand's leader, Aulus G'luun, and told him to keep it safe.
    Who is this "Lars Baddeg"?
    Gand Scavenger
    This Gand doesn't know. He only knows the orders Aulus G'luun has given. Aulus G'luun has ordered the Gand to keep the holocron away from the Jedi. Some days, Aulus G'luun holds it; some days, the ones who have earned one name; and some days, cowards like this Gand.
    Is there some sort of schedule that determines who holds it?
    Gand Scavenger
    This Gand doesn't know. There is no schedule. The signal device in the market tells the Gand when to move the holocron and where. This Gand has heard that one of the signals is for Aulus G'luun himself. The holocron always changes hands behind the warehouse. This Gand doesn't know the signals, only that when the first signal is raised, the Gand meet behind the warehouse and he sometimes gets the holocron.
    So I must light the signal, then go to the warehouse. I appreciate your help.
    Alec Efran
    I'll bet the signals have something to do with the Gand hierarchy. Throw up the right one, and you'll get their leader.
    Gand Scavenger
    Yes. Please don't tell anyone what this Gand told you.
  • Alec Efran, Gand Scavenger
  • Killed a number of Guild's Gunrunners, Brawlers and Heavies
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Aulus G'luun
    You think you are clever for fooling Aulus G'luun and the rest of the Gand?
    Qyzen Fess
    Should mind temper, Gand.
    Aulus G'luun
    He will not break his promise to Lars Baddeg or to his brothers - to keep the holocron from the Jedi.
    Lars Baddeg is a criminal. He stole the holocron from the Jedi.
    Aulus G'luun
    You speak of laws. The Republic's laws have no respect for the Gand culture or traditions. Their barricade has trapped the Gand here like animals, among the criminals of the Migrant Merchants' Guild.
    Will you give me the holocron if I promise to get the barricade removed?
    Aulus G'luun
    Lars Baddeg promised the same thing to the Gand... but he has not kept his promise yet. Why should Aulus G'luun trust anyone who is not a Gand?
    You're stuck behind this barricade. You can only gain by trusting me.
    Aulus G'luun
    It is true that Aulus G'luun is out of alternatives for the Gand. But he must be sure. Aulus G'luun will go to the Republic officer at the barricade, with your promise. He will see for himself. You are a truer friend to the Gand than Lars Baddeg. The holocron is yours. May you always conquer your enemies.
  • Aulus G'luun
  • Acquired Noetikon of Science from Aulus G'luun
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Arca Jeth
    The fractal structure requires that it be removed from the-
    Vandar Tokare
    With all respect, Master Arca, you are incorrect. The structure only appears fractal. If you view it through the lens of the Force....
    Tharis Orne
    I don't suppose either of you is going to move past your petty geometrical squabble long enough to notice we have a visitor.
    Sorry to disturb such illustrious Masters, but I am in need of information.
    Tharis Orne
    No need to apologize, Jedi. They have a tendency to get carried away. The last person to use the Noetikon got so tired of hearing these two yammer he shut us down. It was a mercy.
    Arca Jeth
    Wait, Master Tharis. Where is the Jedi Temple? We seem to have been moved.
    The temple has been destroyed, and its contents ransacked. Awareness, personality... I've seen similar holograms, but nothing as sophisticated as this Noetikon.
    Vandar Tokare
    It is more like a virtual intelligence than a holographic recording. Master Tharis developed it.
    Tharis Orne
    You are too generous, Master Vandar. It was Master Arca who implemented my sketches.
    Arca Jeth
    It seems much has changed since we were last activated, and not for the better.
    The Jedi Temple was not the only thing hit, and the Jedi have had their hands full rebuilding Coruscant.
    Vandar Tokare
    I understand. Difficult times require difficult choices.
    Masters, I've come seeking help for my own Master, Yuon Par. She's suffering a mysterious illness.
    Vandar Tokare
    How terrible. Come, tell us her symptoms. Perhaps we can help.
    Arca Jeth
    So she claims "the darkness is coming," and talks of someone called "Parkanas." And her mind is most affected... hmm.
    Tharis Orne
    I'm afraid we've plied our extensive knowledge of biological, chemical and technological diseases, but this illness is beyond us.
    Where do we go from here?
    Vandar Tokare
    Sometimes knowledge comes through ruling out false ideas.
    Arca Jeth
    For once, Master Vandar and I agree. Yuon's illness is definitely not medical. But we have accessed files that bear cross-checking. If you can find the Noetikon of Light, where Masters Noab, Nomi and Wole guard the Jedi Order's mystical knowledge, they may be able to help.
    I appreciate your advice.
    Arca Jeth
    I'm sorry we couldn't have been of more help - but it's difficult without the other parts of the Noetikon.
    Vandar Tokare
    Find the Noetikon of Light and seek your answer there. May the Force be with you - and remember, if you seek answers, you must always ask questions.
  • Arca Jeth, Tharis Orne, Vandar Tokare
  • Qyzen Fess used L4 Electroblade
The Flow of Goods (6) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    Good, you're back! Did you find it - the first Noetikon?
    I talked to the Noetikon's Masters. They had advice, but no definitive cure.
    Attros Finn
    You actually spoke to them? Amazing. At least we're on the right track.
    How's my master? Is she alright?
    Attros Finn
    Yuon's resting right now; no more outbursts. But the Noetikons are still our best hope.
    I have a solid lead on the second Noetikon. Unfortunately, it's in Black Sun territory. They're a local gang, pretty vicious.
    What would street thugs do with a Jedi artifact?
    Attros Finn
    I'm not sure. This whole situation is odd.
    My sister works at the Silent Sun cantina. She says the Black Sun has turned the cantina's back rooms into some secret warehouse.
    There's shipments going in - my sister saw the Noetikon in one of them. But no shipments are going out again.
    Thank you, Pharen.
    I'll give you directions to the Silent Sun cantina; please, be careful. Those Black Sun gangsters are vicious.
  • Attros Finn, Pharen
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Curt Willham
    Please, doc, you gotta help me. I don't want to die!
    I'm trying to help you. You need to calm down... wait. What's a Jedi doing here?
    A Jedi relic may have passed through this warehouse.
    A relic, you say. Well, unfortunately, I can guess just where it is.
    Those Black Sun thugs. They call me in to clean up a botched operation, and I find this! They're smuggling contraband offworld--old Jedi junk, data discs - inside people's bodies!
    The Black Sun pay their thugs to carry them, get their stolen relics out and nobody's any the wiser.
    Curt Willham
    A Justicar... those vigilantes from the lower city. One of them paid big to get this stuff offworld quiet-like--especially some "Noetikon." The Justicar's name... he was... Lars something. Lars Baddeg.
    Lars Baddeg gave the Gand another Noetikon to keep safe. He must be behind all this. You said Lars Baddeg wanted the Noetikon offworld. Has it left Coruscant?
    Curt Willham
    Nuhh... no. Not yet. The smugglers... nnnggh... can't get the paperwork to go offworld. They're still here - still hurting....
    Those smugglers are dying, Jedi. I need that contraband out of them, but I have my hands full here. Can you help?
    Just tell me what I need to do. Perhaps one of those smugglers is carrying the relic I need.
    The object I found in this man had a magnetic ID tag, which means that the Black Sun must have scanners to identify their smugglers. You should find one in the other room. And grab some medical supplies - maybe we can keep these men alive.
  • Maer, Curt Willham
  • Acquired Noetikon of Light
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Noab Hulis
    Welcome, Jedi. It is wonderful to see a face so young pursuing knowledge of the light. You honor us.
    My Master, Yuon Par, is very sick. I'm looking for a way to help her.
    Noab Hulis
    How terrible that your occasion for consulting us is so tragic. This is the Noetikon of Light. We are the Masters who devoted their lives to mystical and historical studies.
    Wole Vahn
    If you seek learning, we will aid you as best as we can.
    Nomi Sunrider
    Tell us what you know of this affliction, and we will scour our combined knowledge for an answer....
    Nomi Sunrider
    This is most unusual.
    Noab Hulis
    And very troubling.
    Wole Vahn
    We've searched our considerable knowledge, and compared data from the Noetikon of Science.
    Nomi Sunrider
    This illness you've described - it's more like a kind of mind control.
    How could anyone control the mind of such a powerful Jedi?
    Nomi Sunrider
    Our understanding of the matter is limited. We truly wish we could be of more help.
    Wole Vahn
    It's most like the Jedi trick of persuading weak minds through the Force, except Yuon's tormenter is distant, and her mind hardly weak.
    If someone is doing this to her, how would we locate them?
    Nomi Sunrider
    Well, you could ask-
    Wole Vahn
    No! Nomi! You can't be serious!
    Noab Hulis
    What is the matter, Master Wole? I think Nomi Da-Boda knows best of all of us.
    Wole Vahn
    I don't dispute her wisdom, but the Noetikon of Secrets is the gateway to dark things. If the mind is not properly prepared to face them--
    I will use caution, Master Wole.
    Wole Vahn
    I suppose we don't really have any other options, do we?
    I'll be fine.
    Wole Vahn
    You see what I mean?
    Noab Hulis
    Have compassion, you've heard this Jedi's cause. The Noetikon of Secrets is not dark, though some of its secrets are.
    Go. Bring what we have discovered to the Noetikon of Secrets. Its Masters will guide you.
  • Nomi Sunrider, Noab Hulis, Wole Vahn
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    Ah, there you are! The Noetikons... how is the search going?
    Two of the Noetikons gave me advice. When l find the third, we might have a cure.
    Attros Finn
    I'm glad to hear it. But right now, I need you back at the Embassy. Yuon has taken a turn for the worse. She attacked my assistant Pharen.
    Qyzen Fess
    Yuon is true hunter. Will fight to live.
    Attros Finn
    I've managed to keep her restrained, but I'm worried what will happen if she doesn't calm down.
    Perhaps Yuon will quiet down if I talk to her.
    Attros Finn
    Yes, I was thinking that myself. Come as quick as you can.
    I'm on my way.
    Attros Finn
    Thank you. Please hurry.
  • Attros Finn
  • Qyzen Fess used L4 Electroblade
The Coming Darkness (4) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    Please, Yuon. Calm down. Nobody here wants to hurt you.
    Yuon Par
    Ah, yes, Attros, but the darkness is coming. Maybe I want to hurt you? Yes, I think I'd like to break all your bones. I'd enjoy hearing them go pop, pop, pop.
    What are you doing?
    Yuon Par
    It's nothing. I'm just playing with little Attros here. What's a few broken bones between friends? Want to play?
    I don't want to have to fight you, but you need to step away from Attros and calm down.
    Yuon Par
    Look, Attros! They want to play!
    Qyzen Fess
    Yuon! Is no prey here for you.
    Yuon Par
    What game shall we play, Attros? Shall we cut out their ears first or their eyes?
    Just calm down, please.
    Yuon Par
    Calm down? But we're having so much fun!
    Please, Yuon, it's me. Your Padawan.
    Yuon Par
    My Padawan? I don't have a Padawan. I sent my Padawan to fight the Flesh Raiders, and before the day was done, they dined.
    Do you remember Qyzen? Qyzen, your friend - he was there on Tython, too. He hunted those Flesh Raiders.
    Yuon Par
    Qyzen? Oh no, no. They devoured him, too. Let me show you how!
    Qyzen Fess
    Is so, Yuon. Herald lives, and I.
    Yuon Par
    You? No... it can't be. I'll rip out your throat! Tear you apart!
  • Attros Finn, Yuon Par
  • Barsen'thor's Followers fought and defeated Yuon Par
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Restrain her. Now's your chance, Attros.
    Attros Finn
    There... she's restrained.
    Phew. That's more excitement than I care for.
  • Attros Finn
  • Qyzen Fess used L4 Electroblade
Shadows (9) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    That must have been awful. To fight your own Master... I don't know what came over her. One minute she was placid, and then....
    Qyzen Fess
    Is fight for life. Call for help.
    Attros Finn
    It's more imperative than ever that we find the Noetikons. Do you have any leads on the third?
    I need the Noetikon of Secrets. And both the Gand and Black Sun gave me a name: a Justicar called Lars Baddeg.
    Attros Finn
    The Justicars are self-appointed lawmen that police the lower city. Republic security was stretched thin after the attack, so the Justicars took over. Lars Baddeg is one of their leaders, near the top of the Republic's wanted list.
    Thanks for the warning.
    Attros Finn
    Lars Baddeg is known to hole up in the central tower area. Do be careful. I'll take care of Yuon while you're gone.
  • Attros Finn
  • Killed a number of Justicar Riflemen, Snipers and Overseers
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Lars Baddeg
    You've got guts, Jedi. Walking into my base. Stealing two of my Noetikons.
    There are three Noetikons, Baddeg. I know you have the last one.
    Lars Baddeg
    They're bargaining chips. My bargaining chips. You've messed everything up. They said I could rule the Justicar territory if I got them the Noetikons. Just one left, and it's theirs.
    Who are you talking about?
    Doesn't matter. This is my only chance.
    Whoever "they" are, if you give me the Noetikon, I'll make sure they don't hurt you.
    Lars Baddeg
    Like you can help me.
    Qyzen Fess
    Is fool's way to rely on others for strength.
    Lars Baddeg
    Agh. I already lost two Noetikons--I'm a dead man anyway. Here. Take it. This whole thing was a mistake from the start.
  • Lars Baddeg
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master of Questions
    Oh thank goodness! A visitor! It gets so lonely in here sometimes. I would offer you a drink- but I ran out millennia ago, by my record. But we could play a game instead.
    You don't look like a Jedi Master. What's going on?
    Master of Questions
    Well, I'm not a Jedi Master, which would explain your first statement, and as for the second - it's hard to say.
    What is this place?
    Master of Questions
    Now, that is a good question, but a difficult one. I'm guessing you activated what looked like some sort of ancient device - a holocron, maybe - and something went wrong. You zigged where you should have zagged, and you ended up here.
    I was trying to access the Noetikon of Secrets.
    Master of Questions
    Hmm... nope, can't say that name means a thing to me. But whatever it is, you won't be able to access it in here. And there's only one way out.
    Well, I suppose I could let you go. But you'd have to play a game with me, first - a game of questions. Answer right, you're free. Answer wrong, and your strength becomes a permanent part of this place.
    I don't like the sound of that... but I guess I have no choice.
    Master of Questions
    Now you're beginning to understand!
    Master of Questions
    Okay. The first question: How do you catch an answer?
    You lure it out with a question.
    Master of Questions
    Too obvious I suppose. It's no fun when you get the answer right. Next question: What does the wise person know?
    The wise person does not know, but seeks knowledge, always.
    Master of Questions
    Another right answer! You are so dull. Last question: Soon this place will be overrun with enemies. What will you do?
    None of this is real - these enemies will not harm me.
    Master of Questions
    Wrong answer. You are overwhelmed and trampled underfoot. You perish....
  • Master of Questions
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Lars Baddeg
    I promised, sir. The Jedi won't be a problem anymore. Now your master won't mind about those other Noetikons, right?
    Mysterious Sith
    He might not, only it seems your plan was a failure.
    Lars Baddeg
    What the-? B- but look! Jedi's weaker, it did work!
    Qyzen Fess
    Pain is nothing. We still stand.
    Mysterious Sith
    I would've preferred if our little trap had killed you. Not that it mattered - the Noetikons are nothing on their own anyway. They wouldn't have stopped me or my master.
    Are you the one who's making Yuon ill?
    Mysterious Sith
    Yuon? Is that her name? Her weak mind already bows to my master, just as you all will. It's too late for your Master. She crumbles as we speak.
    Who's your master, Sith?
    Mysterious Sith
    My master is the downfall of the Jedi Order. Baddeg, what are you waiting for? Earn my master's forgiveness - kill this wretch.
  • Lars Baddeg, Mysterious Sith
  • Killed Lars Baddeg
  • Acquired Noetikon of Secrets
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Jesper Altax
    Be careful where you walk, Jedi. The path of the dark side intersects with that of the light at many crossroads. This is the Noetikon of Secrets. We are the Masters who have seen the darkness and turned back to the light.
    The other two Noetikons told me you might know something about a Jedi plague. But I'm surprised the order would preserve such dangerous secrets.
    Bastila Shan
    Do not be. Having succumbed to the lure of the dark side, we have greater respect for its pull. We would not claim to be immune, but we have come out stronger for our trials.
    But also, we are only imprints, programs with traces of personality. Neither dark nor light have any sway over us now.
    Bastila Shan
    If the Noetikon of Science and the Noetikon of Light had no answers, what makes you think we can help? We are neither doctors nor healers.
    Patience, Bastila. What she means, Jedi, is that for you to consult us, this illness must be remarkable indeed.
    Bastila Shan
    Yes, I'm sorry. Tell us what you know about this illness, and we will see what we can find.
    There's this one phrase.... Yuon keeps repeating the words, "the darkness is coming."
    It started back on Tython, but we didn't know Yuon was ill until she collapsed.
    Jesper Altax
    You were right to consult us. It was only those things eliminated by the other Noetikons that put us on track....
    It's an illness the Jedi have seen before, one created by an ancient Sith named Terrak Morrhage. He used it to turn Jedi to the dark side by the hundreds and leech their strength from them. In this way, he waged war on the Jedi.
    But Yuon's the only one who's fallen ill.
    According to the records, Morrhage's plague spread gradually as well.
    How was he defeated?
    A Jedi healer, whose sacrifice, unlike his name, has not been forgotten, developed a shielding technique to release Morrhage's hold on his victims.
    Bastila Shan
    One by one, the healer cut Morrhage off from his army, the source of his strength.
    Jesper Altax
    Each time he used the technique, however, it cost him some of his own strength.
    By the time the battle was won, the healer was weakened beyond the point of recovery. He sacrificed his life to save the Jedi Order.
    Is it possible for someone to learn this technique?
    Jesper Altax
    The ritual is recorded in an ancient terminal in the Jedi Temple. Learning it will require the combined knowledge of all the Noetikons. If you are thinking of learning the technique, Jedi, I would caution you - powers such as these weigh heavily on those who wield them.
    Bastila Shan
    But it seems your Master doesn't have time for caution. For your Master to survive, you must go to the Jedi Temple and learn the ritual as soon as possible.
    I will go there as soon as possible.
    Then we will do our best to help you learn the technique. Take all three Noetikons to the terminal in the temple and activate them. We will teach you what you must know. Later, others may learn the technique as well - but for now, time is of the essence.
  • Bastila Shan, Jesper Altax, Chamma
  • Qyzen Fess used L4 Electroblade
Ancient Secrets (13) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    I need to talk to you. I have... bad news. Yuon's illness has begun to affect her body. She's losing strength, fading fast. Are you any closer to finding the last Noetikon?
    I've found it, and the Masters have told me how to find a cure. It's in the ruins of the Jedi Temple.
    Attros Finn
    A cure! At last. Just be warned - the ruins of the temple are crawling with danger. And getting there means passing through the Works; they're not safe either. Be careful, but hurry - I don't know how long Yuon will last.
  • Attros Finn
  • Killed a number of Imperial Marksmen and Gunners
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    This is it--the database where the ritual that can shield your Master from the plague is kept.
    Vandar Tokare
    A stellar work, one part computer, one part holocron. Truly ingenious.
    Noab Hulis
    Masters, you know why we've gathered.
    The Jedi Order is imperiled by an ancient plague - one that warps the minds of even the wisest of Masters and turns them to the dark side.
    Nomi Sunrider
    This young Jedi has stepped forward in search of a way to help her ailing Master and save the Jedi Order.
    Bastila Shan
    But it cannot be done without our help.
    Vandar Tokare
    Millennia ago, a powerful ritual was developed to shield the Jedi from the power of this ancient plague.
    Tharis Orne
    The ritual cut off the plaguemaster from his victims, but it exacted a great price from the healer who wielded it.
    Jesper Altax
    It is once again necessary for someone to use the ritual.
    Wole Vahn
    The ritual is a difficult one to learn, Jedi, and will take many hours of deep meditation and study.
    Arca Jeth
    Are you ready to learn it?
    Yes. I am ready, Master.
    Bastila Shan
    Then open your mind, and we will teach you....
    Arca Jeth
    You seem to have mastered everything we have to show you, Jedi.
    Nomi Sunrider
    Such a bright, inquisitive mind. It has been an honor to teach you.
    Vandar Tokare
    But remember - the shielding ritual will draw on your strength, and you can only regain what you've spent when the plaguemaster's bond with his victims is broken.
    How do I break the bond between plaguemaster and victim?
    Death was what broke the hold of the original plaguemaster, Terrak Morrhage. But there may be another way.
    Noab Hulis
    You now have the knowledge you need to save your Master. Use it wisely and well, and may the Force be with you.
  • Bastila Shan, Jesper Altax, Chamma, Nomi Sunrider, Noab Hulis, Wole Vahn, Arca Jeth, Tharis Orne, Vandar Tokare
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Mysterious Sith
    Reckless, foolish Jedi. So eager to find a cure for your Master, you led us right to the prize. My master and I are most grateful.
    It's too late - I've already learned the ritual.
    Mysterious Sith
    Yes, and you're the only one who will learn it.
    Who is your master? What does he want?
    Mysterious Sith
    If my master wanted you to know his name, he'd give it to you himself.
    No one is going to stop me from saving Yuon Par, whoever you serve.
    Mysterious Sith
    Aaarrrgh! There. No more terminal. No more ritual. No miracle healing this time.
    Except for mine, you mean. My healing.
    Mysterious Sith
    What good will that do you? The technique kills those who wield it.
    For the last time, tell me who your master is.
    Mysterious Sith
    My master is the Jedi Order's demise. Their lies, their pretense, their false serenity will be undone - as you would have been if you'd used the technique. How many could you have shielded before it killed you? One? Two? Even if it was a hundred, ultimately, you would collapse.
    I guess I'll just have to find your master, then.
    Mysterious Sith
    And do what? Kill him? That's not the Jedi way, now is it? The Jedi way is weak and cowardly. Even now, you talk rather than attack.
  • Mysterious Sith
  • Killed Mysterious Sith
  • Killed a number of Sith Acolytes
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Syo Bakarn
    Finally - there you are. I've been kept apprised of your situation - the Council is very concerned about Yuon's health. We've been trying to contact you for hours. Did you find anything in the Jedi Temple?
    The only real cure is to stop the person who's behind the illness, but I can shield her temporarily.
    Syo Bakarn
    Then do what you can for now. Our first priority is Yuon's life. Hurry back - Yuon is fading fast. Any delay could be costly.
  • Syo Bakarn
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Yuon Par
    Padawan- no. No, I was making you a Jedi. What happened? I feel... so much better. But why do you look so weak? What did you do?
    Don't worry about me, Yuon. I'm just glad you're okay. I shielded you from the person who was making you ill, but it took some of my strength.
    Yuon Par
    Thank you, and... I'm sorry. The last thing I remember clearly is... your ceremony on Tython. Oh, my student, I am sorry I wasn't a better Master.
    I wouldn't be the Jedi I am if it weren't for you. I wish you had told me about your condition sooner.
    Yuon Par
    That honors me more than you know. I see now the foolishness of hiding it. Now I am... more myself.
    Qyzen Fess
    You are Yuon Par. Is no other you can be.
    Yuon Par
    I could feel someone else in my mind. Polluting my thoughts... twisting them.
    The plaguemaster. You won't be fully cured until he is defeated. Can you remember any specifics about this person?
    Yuon Par
    I really wish I could give you more details, but my memory of that time is... hazy at best.
    Attros Finn
    Pardon me. The Council wishes to speak with you when you're ready.
    Yuon Par
    Go to the Council - we can speak later.
    Attros Finn
    Thank you again for helping Yuon. And... teaching me a few things as well.
  • Attros Finn, Yuon Par
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Satele Shan
    Ah, you're here. Thank you for contacting us so quickly. We're sorry to have to pull you away from Yuon.
    Jaric Kaedan
    We wouldn't have called you here if it wasn't urgent. First, tell us what you've learned about Yuon's illness.
    It's a plague created by a Sith named Terrak Morrhage. I've shielded Yuon from its effects, but the only cure is to stop the person who's controlling it. Here's what we know....
    Jaric Kaedan
    Interesting. And... worrying. We've started to receive disturbing communications from other Masters. We fear Yuon's illness is not an isolated case.
    Are you sure it's the same illness?
    Jaric Kaedan
    We admit the connection seemed tenuous - but the Masters each repeat the same phrase: "the darkness is coming."
    The illness was created by Terrak Morrhage, but a different Sith is using it now. I don't know his name, but I fought his apprentice in the temple.
    Syo Bakarn
    Yes. It's imperative that we find this Sith before the illness spreads further.
    Qyzen Fess
    Hunting one who struck Yuon down. Is noble goal, Herald.
    Syo Bakarn
    Unfortunately, we have no leads. We can only hope that tracking down and shielding the victims will help lead us to this Sith.
    Yuon seemed to remember someone controlling her mind--but she couldn't give any details.
    Satele Shan
    The small number of victims suggests that this Sith needs some sort of contact with his victims to control them. We hesitate to ask any more sacrifice of you - you've already done so much. But with the terminal in the temple destroyed, you are the only one capable of shielding the afflicted Masters and stopping this Sith, whoever he is.
    I will do whatever I can.
    Satele Shan
    We all have faith in you. But if the Sith who's controlling these Masters is drawing strength from them as well as turning them....
    Syo Bakarn
    Then it is imperative that the Masters are freed from his control as quickly as possible.
    Jaric Kaedan
    You'll need to be able to move freely around the galaxy. To that end, we've prepared a ship for you in the spaceport.
    Thank you, Masters. I will use it well. Where am I going?
    Jaric Kaedan
    The missing Masters were last heard from on Taris and Nar Shaddaa. Find them, and break the plaguemaster's hold on them.
    Satele Shan
    Say your goodbyes to Yuon. But time is of the essence. Good luck.
  • Satele Shan, Syo Bakarn, Jaric Kaedan
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Yuon Par
    Ah, it's good to see you through my own eyes once more. What did the Council have to say?
    Other Masters have fallen ill - the Council has asked me to save them.
    Yuon Par
    I see. But there is still someone we must find: the person behind this, whoever was in my mind.
    Are you sure you don't remember anything specific about your tormentor?
    Yuon Par
    I have tried, but everything is hazy. Stop him, so that I don't have to be shielded anymore. So your strength can be restored. Remember. Let your instincts guide you. Keep to the Jedi Code. And may the Force be with you.
    Qyzen Fess
    Trust, Yuon. Will be well.
  • Yuon Par
  • Was among the crew of Barsen'thor's Defender-class Corvette during its departure from Coruscant
  • Qyzen Fess used L4 Electroblade
The Expedition (2) »
The Junction (3) »
Rakghoul Invasion (4) »
Super Reactor (4) »
A group of individuals who followed the member of the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
known as the Barsen'thor
Major Characters
during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
and subsequent Galactic War. The Trandoshan
Sentient Species
hunter Qyzen Fess
Qyzen Fess
Supporting Characters
was the first to join the group during the final stages of the Flesh Raider uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the planet Tython
See also
Known members
Show all (12)DetailsRajivari's Legacy (Leader)The Forge (Leader)The ArrivalSecret SignalsThe Flow of GoodsThe Coming DarknessShadowsAncient SecretsThe ExpeditionThe JunctionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
Qyzen Fess
Show all (12)DetailsRajivari's LegacyThe ForgeThe ArrivalSecret SignalsThe Flow of GoodsThe Coming DarknessShadowsAncient SecretsThe ExpeditionThe JunctionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
Known ships on which a members of this organization served or were a passengers
Barsen'thor's Defender-class Corvette
Starships that were used by this organization
Barsen'thor's Defender-class Corvette
Known sentient species
Show all (11)DetailsThe ForgeThe ArrivalSecret SignalsThe Flow of GoodsThe Coming DarknessShadowsAncient SecretsThe ExpeditionThe JunctionRakghoul InvasionSuper Reactor
Known roles
Known weaponry & equipment
L4 Electroblade
Training Saber
Complete list

Full unit name: Barsen'thor's Followers Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:07